Sunny Day Wiki
Nickelodeon Sunny Day Salon
Type Building
Owner Sunny
Debut "Friendship Day"

The salon is one of the main locations in Sunny Day. It is a beauty parlour owned and run by Sunny.


Known customers[]


  • Hairdressing station - An area located in the centre of the main floor. It is where Sunny styles and cuts customers' hair. The station includes a mirror, a cabinet full of hair products, two chairs, and a table for displaying different wigs.
  • Colour lab - A room on the top floor where Rox creates hair dyes and uses them to colour customers' hair. The walls of the lab have charts and bulletin board notes on them. The lab is usually accessed by using the elevator.
  • Blair's desk - The desk near the front entrance, where Blair greets customers and schedules appointments. It is attached to a rainbow display of nail polish bottles. Everything on Blair's desk is decorated with her signature pink rose symbol.
  • Elevator - A glass elevator that Rox uses to bring customers and herself to the colour lab.
  • Garage - Where the Glam Van stays when it is not being used.
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